
SHArK, the Solar Hydrogen Activity research Kit, is a program that allows high school and college students to participate in the global research effort to find better water splitting photocatalysts. The program takes a combinatorial approach to catalyst discovery. Students assemble mixed metal oxides then test their water splitting activity using a LASER and LEGOS!

John Muir high school is one of seven schools in the Pasadena area participating in SHArK! Their team, the Higgs Bosons, is making headway this year with an additional 4 juniors added to our solid team of 4 seniors.

SHArK in the news

Pasadena SHArK students from Blair HS, Pasadena City College, Polytechnic School, John Muir HS, and Concordia presented their research at the first annual SHArK conference at Caltech on May 20, 2010.

Juice from Juice