Ch/ChE 140 ab. Principles and Applications of Semiconductor Photoelectrochemistry. 6 units (4-0-2); second, third terms. Prerequisite: APh/EE 9 or instructor's permission. The properties and photoelectrochemistry of semiconductors and semiconductor/liquid junction solar cells will be discussed. Topics include optical and electronic properties of semiconductors; electronic properties of semiconductor junctions with metals, liquids, and other semiconductors, in the dark and under illumination, with emphasis on semiconductor/liquid junctions in aqueous and nonaqueous media. Problems currently facing semiconductor/liquid junctions and practical applications of these systems will be highlighted.
Instructor: Nathan S. Lewis, 210 Noyes, x6335,
Teaching Assistant: Annelegion, 220 Noyes,
The course will consist of reading and discussing about five articles per week from the semiconductor literature. Some discussions will take place in class, and other discussions will be held via an online forum. There will also be at least one problem set and a final exam.
The majority of the articles we will be discussing are available online. The remainder will be distributed in class. Access to the articles is restricted to those within the Caltech network. If you are accessing the site from outside the Caltech network, you will be prompted for the username and password that was provided to you at the beginning of the course.
Access to the online discussion forum requires a brief registration process:
Grades in the course will be based on your participation in discussions and performance on problem sets and a final exam.